Monday, 26 January 2015

Moving time

Hi everyone,
So last week my Mum, Dad, Brother and myself have been packing our house yet again to move.
When I say again its because this will be the fourth time we have moved in the last 2 years :/
The first move was huge we moved from Tauranga, New Zealand to a little outback mining town called Roxby Downs in South Australia. 

While we were in Roxby Downs we had two different houses. 
Then in August of last year we moved down to Adelaide hoping it would be the last move for a while but unfortunately the owners of the house we were living in wanted to move back in so here we are yet again packing up and moving.
So now that we are all moved in it is time to unpack again. Once I have my room all set up I might give you a room tour if you would like.

Then I'm off to Melbourne for my birthday with my mum. We are also going to the one direction concert on valentines day (the day before my birthday) so I will write a post about my trip and the concert in coming weeks. 

Hannah xx 


Monday, 19 January 2015

The Best Homemade Makeup Setting Spray

Hey everyone,

Today I am going to share with you a recipe for what I think is the best homemade makeup setting spray. I say it is the best because I live in South Australia and at the moment it is very hot and to be honest quite sweaty (sorry I know it’s gross). But I have been using this spray and it’s amazing my makeup stays where I put it all day. So here is the recipe. 
You will need:

Rose Water or Rose Essential Oils
Measuring Spoon
Spray Bottle

How to make it: Grab your spray bottle and pour ½ teaspoon Glycerin into it. Add a teaspoon of water and add it to the spray bottle as well. Next add ½ cup of rose water (or 3 teaspoons of rose essential oil) and add it to the mixture. Shake well and you have some amazing setting spray for your makeup. You can either spray it onto your face before or after you have done your makeup.

I hope it works as well for you as it does for me :) and you like it.
Hannah xx


Monday, 12 January 2015

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New, New, New, New, New

Hey Everyone,
As the New Year starts, a few new things are happening in my life.

For starters I’m starting this new blog. I have wanted to do one for a long time, so this year I have decided to just go for it, I have nothing to lose, so here it is.
Just to let you know a little bit about what is going to be on my blog. I’m going to talk about all sorts of things from reviews on products, books and movies, to travel, my everyday life, clothing and lifestyle, so a little bit of everything.

In a few weeks my family and I have to move to a new house so that will be a bit exciting, we are in the middle of trying to find one now.

Also this year I have to find a new job, as a couple of weeks before Christmas I lost my previous job. So that will be very exciting. I will keep you posted on all those things as they happen.

I hope you enjoy and keep coming back to see how it all works out.

Hannah xx