Monday 10 July 2017

Book Review: Strong Looks Better Later

Hi Everyone, 
I have just finished reading Khloe Kardashians book Strong Looks Better Naked. I know its been out a while now, its been sitting on my shelf with all my other books I want to read till now. 

I really liked it has some great advice and things to remember when talking to other people and just life in general. I loved some of the lessons her dad thought her. I really liked the one where he made them see the good I people because that can be hard sometimes, its such a good thing to learn to do. I think its something you need to be aware of. Her dad sounded like he had a really nice way of looking at life and people.

There are also a few things I learnt if the body and food sections. I will definitely be trying some of the recipes.
I thinks it's a great book and would recommend you read it. It wasn't what I thought it was going to be but I was pleasantly surprised by it. 
Sorry for the really sort post next weeks will be better (well Ill try). 

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