Monday, 30 March 2015

Zayn... The missing link

Hi everyone, this week I thought Id share my thoughts on Zayn leaving One Direction. As a fan of The Boys I was so shocked to read this it wasn't a very nice way to start my Thursday.

 (Photo from google)
The thing that upsets me the most is how Niall, Harry Louis and Liam must be feeling. I feel more sad for them because they have to carry on doing what they are doing, whereas Zayn has been able to remove himself from their normal environment. The rest of the boys still have to go out and do shows and give their fans a great show even though its probably the last thing they feel like doing right now.

As for all the rumors (which Im trying my very best to ignore) about why and how Zayn left, I think we should only believe what has been released as a statement from their official PR people and just brush everything else you hear aside until confirmed by them or their team. Even if the rumors are true there will be a reason they aren't saying anything. We have no idea what goes on behind the scenes of their crazy world and we have no right to judge anyone or make things up to make others look bad or in the wrong.

I just hope The Boys keep making music for a long time and that their fans support them no matter what, the music is what we are in this for not an individual in the band (well we should be anyway).

 (Photo from google)

I really hope that Harry, Niall, Louis and Liam are doing OK and just want to say that they can do this and they can be just as successful as a four piece. I will definitely still be buying albums and merchandise and concert tickets if they ever come back to Australia. I will still be here supporting them.

Also I hope that Zayn gets help for his stress and feels better soon. I know what stress can be like its not fun, and sometimes the only way to help it is to remove yourself from the situation. Hopefully, he has his family and friends around him and they are being supportive of him and his decision. I bet it was the hardest thing he has ever had to do.

That's all I wanted to say, I hope you agree, and if you are a fan that you keep supporting One Direction. They are still a band, its not the end of them just yet.

What are your thoughts on Zayn leaving and the other boys carrying on as a four?

Monday, 23 March 2015

Besame Lipstick Review

Hi Everyone,
This week I'm going to do a review on the Besame lipsticks. I have the whole Besame range because I was going to start my own beauty salon from home but decided against it because I didn't feel I had enough experience to do everything myself. At the time I looked into it I hadn't worked in a salon. Anyway, I have now started using them myself and I really like them.

I really only use 3 of the lipsticks as the other colours aren't right for me. I use the colours Dusty Rose, Red Velvet and Carmine. They have a lovely vintage style packaging, which I love because I'm a vintage girl!! (When I got them out to take a photo I chose a few more to take out for the winter to try so we will see.)

They are great quality and last really well. Sticking with the vintage theme they are more of a matte lipstick.

Here is the Besame Cosmetics link if you would like to try them for yourself, they really are a beautiful range.

Whats your favorite lipstick?


Monday, 16 March 2015

Happy St Patricks Day

Hi everyone, this week I have decided to do a St Patricks Day post. So last night I made some cup cakes and decorated them with St Paddys themed things. Here they are I hope you like them.

I have included the recipe below if you would like to have a go at making them, I made mine green for St Paddys:

Vanilla Cup Cakes 

150g Unsalted Butter - softened
150g Caster Sugar (powdered sugar)
175g Self-raising Flour
3 Eggs
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
2 drops of green food colouring if you want green cupcakes like mine or you can use any other colour or have them plain if you like.

1. Pre-heat Oven 180 degrees celsius (350F)
2. Line 12 cup cake pans with cup cake papers.
3. Crack eggs into a cup and beat lightly with a fork.
4. Place all ingredients in a large mixing bowl.
5. Beat with an electric mixer for 2 minutes until light and creamy.
6. Divide the mixture evenly between the cake cases.
7. Bake for 18-20 minutes until risen and firm to the touch.
8. Allow to cool for a few minutes and then transfer to a wire rack.
9. Allow to cool fully before icing.
10. Ice with whatever you fancy :) I hope you enjoy being creative!

Have you got any plans for St Patrick's Day?


Tuesday, 10 March 2015

My Life in Numbers...

Hi Everyone,

I saw this on Jennys blog (From The Desk of J) a little while ago and really like it a cool way to get to know me a bit more.

My line up of books to read.

1 Sibling (younger brother)
2 Years I've lived in Australia
3 How many One Direction concerts I've been too
4 The number of books I have lined up to read
5 Pencil Skirts hanging in my closet
6 Lipsticks/Lip glosses in my hand bag
7 My shoe size
8 Pillows on my bed
9 Blog post ideas I have but haven't written yet
14 Bloglovin followers (you should go follow me)
17 Photos on Instagram as of today
22 How old I am
46 Tweets Ive tweeted
8,056 Days I've been alive

 What does your life look like in numbers?


Tuesday, 3 March 2015

The Struggle of the Unemployed

Hi everyone,
Today's post is a little different to normal. I’ve been trying to get a job for the past 3 months and have had no luck, so I thought I would share my thoughts with you.

I was talking to my mum today and I feel like the employment world has changed a lot. It seems employers want people with qualifications and experience and aren’t willing to employ people with little or no experience but are very capable of doing that job and are so willing to do their best they just don't have the piece of paper to prove it.

I mean employers don’t have to because for every job that is advertised they have hundreds of applicants, why would they employ someone that needs more training when they can pick someone who can fit right in and not need anytime spent on them?
But this makes it very hard for people like me and I’m sure a lot of other people who have had a bit of experience but still need a little help to get up to speed when starting out in a new job. It frustrates me because I have wanted to work since I was about 15, but to this day have not had a full time job because no one will give me a chance to start.

I am a qualified beauty therapist with just under a year of experience. My last job I was there on a "trial" for 3 months and when that finish they told me they didn’t want me to work there any more as their clients didn’t like having a younger therapist and that I couldn't communicate with them because of the age difference and didn’t have much experience dealing with customers. 
But instead of them giving me the experience I needed to help me grow they let me go, I would have been quite happy to do reception or anything if it meant it would help my career in the future.

I think employers are becoming lazy because they have so much choice they don’t have to up skill the staff they have because there are plenty of other people looking for work that don’t need the training. It makes me feel like I am unemployable and will never get a good job and get to do some of the things I want to and achieve my goals.

Is this in every field of work or just the beauty industry?

I'm 22 years old living off my parents still, with a student loan that has to be paid off or next time i go home to New Zealand I won’t be able to leave till it is. I had plans to travel at the end of the year but that won’t be happening for a very long time now as right now I have $50 to my name. You're probably thinking "why don't you just get any job like a cleaner or waitress" (I have actually done these jobs to get by in the past).

I'm probably too fussy but I would like to get a job in the field I trained in, and still have to pay for, but from today I will be applying for anything I can get again. Because, if I don't get the work experience now is anyone going to employ me in a year or so when Ive had even more time out of school and still no experience.

I am sorry this is a bit of a negative post but I wanted to write something a bit deeper than about my "favorite lipstick or drink at the moment" I wanted to share a little of what I’m thinking and how im feeling. I had planned to post some facts about me and have written that post which I will put up next week, so check back for that.

Has anyone else found getting work hard? Or have any tips for me on how to get a job I can call a career?

P.S. Make sure you follow me on social media the links are on the side I would really appreciate it. You all help to keep me motivated to keep posting. xx