Tuesday 10 March 2015

My Life in Numbers...

Hi Everyone,

I saw this on Jennys blog (From The Desk of J) a little while ago and really like it a cool way to get to know me a bit more.

My line up of books to read.

1 Sibling (younger brother)
2 Years I've lived in Australia
3 How many One Direction concerts I've been too
4 The number of books I have lined up to read
5 Pencil Skirts hanging in my closet
6 Lipsticks/Lip glosses in my hand bag
7 My shoe size
8 Pillows on my bed
9 Blog post ideas I have but haven't written yet
14 Bloglovin followers (you should go follow me)
17 Photos on Instagram as of today
22 How old I am
46 Tweets Ive tweeted
8,056 Days I've been alive

 What does your life look like in numbers?


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